When workers stand up for their rights in the workplace, they are transformed and empowered in every area of their lives.
This empowerment is fundamental to a just society. The TakeRoot Justice Workers’ Rights team uses legal, policy and legislative advocacy to support workers as they assert their rights in the workplace. Our partners are grassroots worker centers, advocacy groups, and their members—including workers in private homes, restaurants, nail salons, garment factories, food processing and construction.
Our mission is to ensure that labor laws and anti-discrimination laws are enforced and workers are able to lead lives of strength and dignity. We have helped secure more than $22 million in judgments and settlements for our clients.
We partner with community groups to:
Use litigation to recover stolen wages, combat violations such as unpaid minimum wages and overtime, tip theft, discrimination, sexual harassment and retaliation against workers who assert their rights under the labor laws
Hold community education workshops on workers’ rights
Build legislative and policy advocacy campaigns
Fight human trafficking cases around New York City