Equitable Neighborhoods

The people who live and work in New York City must have a voice in the future of their neighborhoods.

The TakeRoot Justice Equitable Neighborhoods practice works with grassroots groups, neighborhood organizations and community coalitions to make sure that people of color, immigrants and low-income residents are not ignored or pushed out in the name of “progress.”

We partner with residents in historically under-resourced areas to fight for stable, affordable housing, community spaces, jobs to make a good living and other opportunities that allow people to thrive. We support our partners with a variety of community planning and community lawyering tools including trainings, strategy, policy and litigation.

Interested in working with us? Download the TakeRoot Justice EN Intake form, fill it in and return by email or regular mail.

Our Work

Our Equitable Neighborhoods Partners

In the news

Protecting Wetlands in Staten Island

Administrative Advocacy As counsel to the Staten Island Coalition for Wetlands and Forests, TakeRoot submitted comments requesting that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation hold a public hearing on and ultimately deny an application to disrupt a wetland that